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WADSWORTH, Ohio , April 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Rohrer Corporation, a leading retail-packaging designer and manufacturer, is ramping up sustainability efforts with the debut of two new eco-friendly packaging solutions – its All-Paper Blister and ecoCombo® sustainable packaging.
Rohrer advances sustainability efforts with new eco-friendly packaging solutions.
"Statistics in Rohrer's 2021 Sustainable Packaging Study conducted with Hanover Research indicate that 83 percent of companies are interested in more sustainable packaging options," said Steve Wirrig , president and CEO of Rohrer Corporation. "As a result of this study, Rohrer is STEPPING UP SUSTAINABILITY EFFORTS and taking them to the NEXT LEVEL with the introduction of two new eco-friendly packaging options – our All-Paper Blister and ecoCombo® packages."
Rohrer's All-Paper Blister is an innovative packaging solution made entirely of paper. It helps brands advance their sustainability efforts and streamline the packaging process by:
As the industry's first post-consumer recycled (PCR) combination-run packaging program, Rohrer's ecoCombo® packaging is another eco-friendly option for brands. It incorporates sustainable materials in its construction while optimizing packaging production:
"The theme of Earth Day 2022 is Invest in Our Planet," said Carmine Lombardi , senior vice president of Rohrer Corporation. "Rohrer is 'investing in our planet' by donating to OneTreePlanted.org for each All-Paper Blister or ecoCombo® order fulfilled. Our goal with this campaign is far-reaching: to accelerate sustainability efforts for our company and our partners, to help the environment, and to advance reforestation efforts around the globe."
Rohrer Corporation is a portfolio company of Wellspring Capital Management. For more information on Rohrer Corporation, please visit: Rohrer.com.
About Rohrer Corporation Rohrer believes true partners make the perfect package. Our award-winning team uses state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies to provide innovative retail packaging solutions for our partners. Our partners enjoy industry-leading speed, quality, and value through our ezComboSM program, and beautiful design and inventive solutions in our custom packaging programs. Rohrer's packaging solutions help build brands and bottom lines. For additional information, please visit Rohrer.com.
About Wellspring Capital Management Wellspring Capital Management is a leading private equity firm headquartered in New York . Since its founding in 1995, Wellspring has raised over $4.5 billion of initial capital commitments through six private equity funds. Over the past 25 years, Wellspring has invested in over 45 platform investments across various segments of the U.S. and global economies. Wellspring's objective is to bring partnership, experience, and value creation to each investment. By teaming up with strong management, Wellspring seeks to unlock underlying value and pursue new growth opportunities through strategic initiatives, operating improvements, and add-on acquisitions. The firm functions as a strategic partner, providing management teams with top-line support, M&A experience, financial expertise, and access to resources. For additional information, please visit WellspringCapital.com.
Media Contact: Nicole Zatorski , Content Marketer // [email protected]
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